Be Informed!

The First Class Breakfast Program is being implemented in schools all over Houston. I am a very involved parent, but I have only one experience to share and one point of view. In an effort to share information and inform parents, I welcome comments and guest posts!

Forward this to all who might be interested. You need to be informed and aware of what is happening in your schools.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's on the breakfast menu for the Fall?

Sorry to have been absent for so long, but my family had a personal issue that needed addressing, so I took a break and devoted my time to focus on that.  In my absence and with summer vacation in full swing now, I hope you haven't lost interest.

Let's get back to the topic you want to hear about - What can you look forward to this fall? 

When I attended the Food Services Parent Advisory Committee at the end of the school year, we had a chance to preview the planned lunch menus for the Fall.  We talked about specific things that were being done well and areas that still needed improvement, then worked in smaller groups to brainstorm how to improve on the perceived "problem areas".  I think a lot of great ideas came out of the meeting and hope to have a chance to work together and make some progress before the school year starts again.
**disclaimer - all the menus I have seen are not yet approved.  The food items and changes mentioned below are planned but not guaranteed to be on the menu for the Fall.  Menus will be finalized later this summer**

First the good news!
More of the food will be prepared in the Food Service Facility (sometimes this means it is actually made there and sometimes it is just packaged there)
Yogurt parfaits with fresh fruit and cereal or granola. 
NO PORK - the pork kolache from the spring is replaced with an all beef version
More fresh fruit - bananas and fresh (sliced) oranges are planned
Plans to introduce a breakfast burrito
No more Grilled Cheese sandwhich!
Fewer days where milk AND juice are served (hopefully less waste?)
Fewer animal crackers!
They are trying hard to source another provider to ELIMINATE the Trix Yogurt

And a bit of bad news (but not as much)
Still lots of meals with cheese on the sandwhich, or multiple dairy items (sorry kids with dairy allergies)
Gone are the whole grain mini pancakes.  These were a hit with some kids (my son!), but because these are a purchased item and not made in the facility, they are planned to be eliminated.

Like I mentioned (see disclaimer above) these are tentative plans and nothing is set in stone yet.  Overall it seems like the menu is headed in the right direction, but as always, there is still room for improvement. 

Thanks to the staff at food services for listening to us when we say we want healthier fresh meals and fewer processed foods.  Let's hope they keep listening.

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